Strategical report

Full version of the report

Economic environment overview

Economic environment overview
Kazakhstan is a huge and rapidly developing state. The area of the country exceeds 2.7 million km2, and the population is 18 million people. Oil and gas areas occupy more than 60 % of the country’s territory. There are 172 oil fields in Kazakhstan, the oil reserves of which amount to about 1.8 % of the world’s proven reserves. More than 90 % of Kazakh oil reserves are accumulated at 15 largest oil fields.

The main macroeconomic factors that affect the Company’s financial position include: the behavior of oil prices, inflation rates, exchange rate fluctuations, in particular, KZT/USD exchange rate.

2015 2016 2017 Deviation
Brent average price (DTD) 52,39 43,73 54,192 24%
Inflation rate – Kazakhstan (%) 13.60 8.50 7.10 -16%
Average exchange rate (KZT/USD) 222.25 341.76 326.00 -5%
Oil supply destinations in 2017
Destination Thousand tons % to 2016
Atyrau-Samara 15 368,0 106,9
Orenburg Gas Processing Plant 624,20 83
Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) 49 636,3 121,6
Atasu – Alashankou 2 291,0 74,6
Sea Port 1 192,3 54,3
Railway 670,0 75,4

Operating results

Oil production in Embamunaygas JSC, thousand tons
Transfer and acceptance point 2015 2016 2017
Fact Fact Plan Fact Deviation
Embamunaygas JSC 2 823,04 2 832,008 2 840,00 2 840,02 0,015
Including oil and gas production departments:
Zhaiykmunaygas 960,335 954,171 955,8 953,679 -2,121
Zhylyoimunaygas 962,6 989,14 1 029,20 1 034,93 5,725
Dossormunaygas 411,75 404,283 376 371,531 -4,469
Kainarmunaygas 488,355 484,414 479 479,88 0,877
Associated gas production, bcm
Indicator 2015 2016 2017
Fact Fact Plan Fact Deviation
Associated gas production 187,946 191,649 199,737 199,755 0,18

Overview of capital expenditures

Capital expenditures, million tenge
Expenditure item 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Construction work 13 749 12 333 10 685 30 989 12 618
Operational drilling 13 232 13 279 9 213 8 253 8 632
Procurement of fixed and intangible assets 5 004 4 556 5 564 3 536 8 375
Prospecting and exploratory drilling 3 792 3 225 2 163 4 620 8 118
Other 740 15 606 549 1 271 304
Total САРЕХ 36 518 48 999 28 174 48 669 38 047


The New Technique and Technology Department (NTTD) was established in August 2015 on the basis of the previously existing new technique and technology division of the oil and gas production department. This Department first tests and then approves the introduction of new types of machinery and oil and gas production technologies implemented for the first time in Embamunaygas JSC, which have high technical and economic characteristics and are well proven in operation in conditions similar to those existing at the Company’s fields, whether they are the results of applied developments of research organizations, legal entities and individuals, serial types of machinery and equipment or the introduction of innovation technologies..

Procurement activities

Procurement volume in 2017, million tenge excluding VAT
Indicator Amount % of execution
Amount of the procurement plan for 2017 82 052,92 100
goods 8 123,94 9,9
works 30 437,67 37,1
services 43 491,31 53,0
Amount of procurement, for which suppliers have been determined, 82 052,92 100 Local content share
goods 8 123,94 100,0 69,0%
works 30 437,67 100,0 76,9%
services 43 491,31 100,0 87,1%
Saving under contracts 4 327,21 5
goods 488,94 6,0
works 469,41 1,5
services 3 368,86 7,7

Overview of financial performance

Basic financial indicators, million tenge
Indicator 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Fact Fact Fact Fact Plan Fact Deviation %
Oil production, thousand tons 2 841 2 823 2 823 2 832 2 840 2 840 0 0
Revenue (income) 330 098 344 675 198 113 243 517 274 016 309 747 35 731 13
Cost of sales -96 443 -119 229 -94 991 -95 772 -119 333 -121 290 -1 957 2
Gross income 233 655 225 446 103 121 147 745 154 683 188 457 33 774 22
General and administrative expenses -5 190 -15 738 -24 542 58 -10 391 -9 896 -794 8
Transportation and sales expenses -120 443 -135 071 -75 869 -70 366 -95 171 -102 991 -8 120 9
Profit (loss) from operating activities 108 022 74 638 2 711 77 437 49 121 75 570 26 448 54
Net financial income/(expenses) -1 045 -2 714 303 312 -2 446 461 -1 935 -81
Other net income /(loss) -135 20 538 62 905 -586 0 -482 -482 0
Income/(loss) before tax 106 841 92 462 65 919 77 164 46 675 75 548 28 873 62
Corporate income tax expenses -31 854 -20 225 -20 457 -15 803 -11 698 -19 425 -7 727 66
Income for the year 74 987 72 237 45 462 61 360 34 977 56 123 21 146 60